Sharint – Shop Social !
4:33 AMWould you like to know your friend's opinion about that dress you want to buy online ? Or do you want to recommend some nice pair of shoes to your friend ? Or you don't know what to buy for your friends birthday gift ?
If you only know what youe friends wants or think about your purchases, before you actually buy it, then life would be really easier. Well now you can! with social shopping app Sharint ! It's fast, easy and fun !
Go to any of your favorite online store, open sharint from your toolbar. log in with your facebook account and choose a friend to shop together.Share products with them by simply dragging and dropping them into the sharint space. Your friends will see them instantly. Ask for their opinion and feedback. You can also discuss it in detail in integrated chat window.
Shariant also give you exclusive personalised offers to save you money on your shopping. The more you use sharint , more offers you get !