GoodSam app - You can save a life !

3:03 AM

If someone had been hit by a car or had a cardiac arrest at the end of your road, right now ? In an emergency seconds count. Opening an airway and a basic life support saves lives, if done quickly enough. Usually, there are many good smaritans in the area who could have provided emergency first aid if they would have known about it. Hence the development of GoodSam app, a tool (app) that intents to alert those with medical training to nearby emergencies. So the potentially life saving interventions can be given before the medical help arrives.

How the system works ?
In the case of a medical emergency, all the bystander or patient has to do is open the alert app. The app automatically locates the geographical position. They then simply press the "call for help" button and confirm it as a life-threatening emergency.

The app automatically dials the emergency number for the country that they are in. Simultaneously the app alerts the nearest registered Goodsam respondents within identified radius. The user is informed that the responder have been located and alerted.

Registered GoodSam responders have the responder app on their devices. In case of medical emergency nearby there phone alarms and gives notification. The responder can see who is requesting assistance and how far from the incident they are. They can accept or reject the call (if unavailable). If rejected the next nearest respondent gets alerted.

The map in the app then guide the respondent to exact incident location. The app has inbuild messaging service so the alerter and respondent can communicate if required.

You can register on the app if you wish to be a "Good Samaritan" and posses medical training or life saving skills. You can save a life by activating good samaritans in your community.

Go, check the GoodSam app and help to save a life.

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