Talentpad - Let jobs find you !

6:22 AM

Talentpad is a new innovative startup in "recruitment and hiring" domain. Talentpad was earlier known as Talent Auction. Talentpad has reversed the traditional hiring process.

Candidates has to signup and complete profile. After updating his/her profile candidate has to submit it for approval. Talentpad's team of experts evaluates each profile and select the right candidates for upcoming Talent Auction. Selected candidates can then participates in a week long job auction where hundreds of companies compete with each other to recruit desired candidates.

During the Auction, candidates keeps on getting interview offers with minimum compensation details. Candidates can then decide where they want to be interviewed. And if selected then candidates can join whichever company they want.

The whole process speeds up the hiring process and provide maximum benefits to the candidates. At the same time companies gets to bid for the best suitable talent.


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